Saturday, August 31, 2019

Superfund Program

Superfund Program Peggy Toler E. Hansen/EVS1001-31 March 31, 2011 Peggy Toler 2 Superfund Program I did not know what a Superfund program was until I looked it up and then I found out that it is an act that is the cornerstone legislation that provides the mechanism and funding for the cleanup of potentially dangerous hazardous-waste sites and the protection of ground water and human health. When you live near a superfund site, you and your family are at risk of developing a disease from the exposure of the different pollutants in these sites and may experience a loss of value of your property.The EPA says that there are steps that we can take to fight back. They have also said that they have set up a â€Å"Post Construction† strategy to ensure that Superfund response actions provide for the long-term protection of human health and the environment. The Construction Completion activities also involve optimizing remedies to increase effectiveness and /or to reduce cost without sa crificing long-term protection. There is still a health hazard for those who live close to a Superfund site.The site that I have found in my state was the Chemtronic, Inc. in Swannanoa, NC. It is about 1,027 acres and only about 20 acres in total are contaminated with these pollutants. This property has had several owners and operators and it was first developed as an industrial site in 1952. After first opening the first products that were manufactured on this site were explosives, incapacitating agents, and chemical intermediates. There are about 23 individual on-site disposal areas that were identified during the investigation activities on this site.During 1971, the disposal practices were not well defined. Solid waste materials and possibly solvents were reportedly incinerated in pits dug in the burning ground these pits are known as the Acid Pit Peggy Toler 3 area. There are the chemical wastes that were also disposed of in the trenches located in the Acid Pit Area. All of the activities at this site ended in 1994, and no new activities are occurring on this site. There is no on-site ground water and surface water being used in any way for anything.This site is bordered up on the North and West sides by woodlands and primarily national forests. There are several industrial facilities to the immediate South of this site. In the contaminants contained in these on-site disposal areas there are volatile organic compounds which include (1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane, and tetrachloroethane), semi-volatile organic compounds which include benzophenone, benzylic acid, and explosives, and then there are the metals like chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc.The contaminants that are detected in the ground water include benzene, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane, benzophenone, benzylic acid, picric acid, explosives, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. The site cleanup plans were issued i n 1988. The major cleanup elements for this site include the installation of a ground water extraction and treatment system down gradient of the disposal areas in both the front valley and the back valley which is known as the Gregg Valley, capping and fixation/stabilization for contaminated soil in the disposal areas.These capped areas are fence with a chain-link fence and marked. Then they have a monitoring program to be established for the surface water. The ROD has issued an amend for this site in 1989, that specified the deletion of the requirement to solidify soil in Disposal Area (DA-23) as a result of an error in the remedial investigation data which was carried over into the initial ROD. Peggy Toler 4 With the cleanup progress with the capping and stabilization/solidification or the contaminated soil in the disposal area began in 1991, and was completed in 1993. They have placed multi-layer caps in the following areas DA-6, DA-7/8, DA-9, DA-10/11, DA-23 and in the Acid Pit Area. They have also installed a gas venting system at the Acid Pit Area. The Rod of 1988, addressed only those disposal areas that were deemed CERCLA related. The other disposal areas on the property were considered Resource Conservation and Recovery Act also known as (RCRA) areas as prior to 1994.The potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the site undertook corrective actions to improve the operation of both the extraction systems and treatment systems in both valleys. The corrections that have taken place have significantly reduced the down time to these systems experienced in the past. There have been two reviews that have been developed for the site in 2002 and 2007. The review that was done in 2007, they found that the site was protective of the human health and the environment in the short-term.The NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources requested that the EPA consolidate oversight of all site environmental remediation activities under the EPA’s superfun d authority and relinquished the state’s RCRA oversight responsibilities for the site to the EPA’s Superfund program in March 2007. Recently the PRPs submitted the draft RI/FS Work Plan based on the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and accompanying statement of work. These cleanup activities have been undertaken by the PRPs with EPA’s oversight. Peggy Toler 5 There are three viable PRPs for the site that has been identified by EPA and they are Chemtronic, Inc. Northrop Grumman System Corporation, and CAN Holding, Inc. In 2008 the AOC signed by the PRPs and the EPA will address the cleanup for the former RCRA areas at the site that will now be addressed under CERCLA. The EPA has conducted a range of activities for the community to get involved at the Chemtronic site to solicit the community input and to ensure that the public remains informed about any of the site activities throughout the site cleanup process. These outreach activities include public notice s, interviews and public meeting on these cleanup activities and updates.In the future they are monitoring the ground water at the site, they say that the field work for the revised RI/FS should begin in the summer of 2009, and the next FYR for these sites is expected in 2012. As you will find out the more we try to cleanup areas like this, we have other pollutants in the world. There are things that we can do to help with these pollutants like cleaning everything that we can and stop putting things into the ground.References * Boorse, D. F. & Wright, R. T. (2011) Environmental Science (11 Edition) * www. epa. gov/region4/waste/nplnc/chemtrnc. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

Breaking All the Rules

In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions. Breaking All the Rules In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Basic Solutions for Bad Study Habit

The best way to balance school and friends is to study together. Good friends will support your academic and future goals. You can also make friends with other people who are planning for college and taking the same classes as you. †¢Add interest to your reading assignments. To get through a long reading assignment, imagine yourself in the story. Get involved. Ask yourself, â€Å"What is important to remember about this section? † You should always take notes or underline key sections and discuss the material with others in your class. You can also create a study group and break the assignment into different sections. Each person can be responsible for closely studying one part of the text. The other parts you can skim or outline. Then get together as a group to share what you’ve learned. †¢Cramming before a test. Cramming before a test is always a bad idea. Start studying well in advance. Begin with an hour or two a day and then increase your study time as exams approach. †¢Don’t know where to start. Your challenge is to prioritize. With a big project, list all the things you have to do. Then split the project into small, manageable chunks. Ask, â€Å"Which part is due first? Which part of the assignment is worth more points? Which task will take the most time to complete? † Decide which tasks are most important and what order you’ll use to get things done. Then get started! The most important thing to remember is start early and work a little bit each day. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you make. †¢Staying up all night to study. Before a test, it is important to get enough sleep. Period. Make time to relax and unwind before each test. Be sure to eat well, sleep well and maybe get some exercise. You’re more likely to do better on the test if you take care of yourself. †¢Not enough time to study. The trick to solving this problem is getting organized. Bring out all of your notes and textbooks. Identify the most important information and the things you don’t understand. Focus your study time and energy on learning those things. If you need extra help, ask a teacher or tutor. If after school activities are the problem, keep a calendar with game days, meetings, assignments and practice times. Start assignments right when you get them, and use lunch hours and breaks to make extra progress. †¢Trouble remembering things. If you only have trouble sometimes, try connecting new information with your own examples and experiences. Use rhymes, poems or mental pictures to help remember important facts. Some people even make up songs to help them remember things. If you always have trouble remembering, no matter how long or hard you study, talk to your teacher or school counselor. They can talk with you about your specific problems and recommend strategies to help. Basic Solutions for Bad Study Habit The best way to balance school and friends is to study together. Good friends will support your academic and future goals. You can also make friends with other people who are planning for college and taking the same classes as you. †¢Add interest to your reading assignments. To get through a long reading assignment, imagine yourself in the story. Get involved. Ask yourself, â€Å"What is important to remember about this section? † You should always take notes or underline key sections and discuss the material with others in your class. You can also create a study group and break the assignment into different sections. Each person can be responsible for closely studying one part of the text. The other parts you can skim or outline. Then get together as a group to share what you’ve learned. †¢Cramming before a test. Cramming before a test is always a bad idea. Start studying well in advance. Begin with an hour or two a day and then increase your study time as exams approach. †¢Don’t know where to start. Your challenge is to prioritize. With a big project, list all the things you have to do. Then split the project into small, manageable chunks. Ask, â€Å"Which part is due first? Which part of the assignment is worth more points? Which task will take the most time to complete? † Decide which tasks are most important and what order you’ll use to get things done. Then get started! The most important thing to remember is start early and work a little bit each day. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you make. †¢Staying up all night to study. Before a test, it is important to get enough sleep. Period. Make time to relax and unwind before each test. Be sure to eat well, sleep well and maybe get some exercise. You’re more likely to do better on the test if you take care of yourself. †¢Not enough time to study. The trick to solving this problem is getting organized. Bring out all of your notes and textbooks. Identify the most important information and the things you don’t understand. Focus your study time and energy on learning those things. If you need extra help, ask a teacher or tutor. If after school activities are the problem, keep a calendar with game days, meetings, assignments and practice times. Start assignments right when you get them, and use lunch hours and breaks to make extra progress. †¢Trouble remembering things. If you only have trouble sometimes, try connecting new information with your own examples and experiences. Use rhymes, poems or mental pictures to help remember important facts. Some people even make up songs to help them remember things. If you always have trouble remembering, no matter how long or hard you study, talk to your teacher or school counselor. They can talk with you about your specific problems and recommend strategies to help.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Training and Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Training and Coaching - Essay Example In addition, employees also clarify the organizational attitude, beliefs or behavior. Through a series of repetitive practice employees improve their output by adopting the skills learnt and also improve these skills.Coaching forms part of the training development that occurs when a coach supports a learner to achieve a professional or personal goal. In most cases, coaching is a confidential learning process designed to improve the learners’ performance, output, or personal growth. Unlike normal employee training, coaching is more effective since the coach is able to evaluate an individual’s progress. In this regard, the coach not only identifies the learner’s strengths and weaknesses, but he also provides a forum for feedback, by clarifying areas where the learner performs well and areas in which the learner must improve on.  In several instances, coaching results to the learners’ personal change in that a learner acquires clear understanding on the imp ortance of positive output towards the achievement of organizational goals. Coaching facilitates development of skills and performance aimed at specified tasks and overall job responsibility. Coaching also advocates for professional and personal development aimed at future responsibilities and professional roles.Identification of training and coaching needsIn an organization, training is often essential when employees are not meeting the organization’s standard or failing to meet the expected performance level. The difference between actual.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Explain how the Current Justice Model has Replaced the Medical Model Research Paper

Explain how the Current Justice Model has Replaced the Medical Model of Earlier Years Relative to Corrections - Research Paper Example All efforts of the society should be directed to arrest one’s downward march to destruction to be replaced by an upward march making one a worthy individual and citizen. The question is, how do we do this? What sort of circumstances and mind-set pushes an individual onto the track of self and societal destruction? How an individual can free himself from the evil tendencies and negativities? How to lead a criminal to the path of willing acceptance for shaping as a lawful citizen? Normally an intensely shattered personality lies within the prison environment and one’s psyche needs constant care. The society does not easily allow the friendly assimilation of an acquitted or reformed prison inmate. Whether guilty or not guilty, the prison stamp remains forever. One important question incidentally—does the reformation measures bring rich dividends for the jail administration and contribute to the improvement of prison discipline and create a relaxed atmosphere amongst the prison community? How to mitigate the most systematic suppression caused to the spirit and freedom of an individual from the day of capture, and in the course of his encounters with the police, administration and the slow-moving justice system? Moreover, all laws, just because they are the laws of the land, are not faultless aphorisms. A difficult law implemented in a worst manner is the ultimate calamity for the prisoner. Any method, any procedure, must aim to change the criminal thought process of a prisoner. The wise saying goes, when the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when the mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed the society is changed. Society created a bad individual and sent him to the prison; the ultimate gift to the society is a reformed individual, who will not revert to criminality again! Harsh punishments can never usher in an era of a crime-free society; dedicated reformation and rehabilitation measures,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Conflict of laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Conflict of laws - Essay Example It is apparent that in the event the employer is based in Paris, France, and the business conducted from France, the French courts have jurisdiction in this case. Thus it would not be possible to suggest English courts in this case, and this has to be settled, either with French, or EU laws. (Etgen Reitz 2006, p.90). 1. The part that deals with the claim of Jones, the ex- marketing employee of LSEL in UK who is seeking commission and compensation in lieu of notice of termination of his services. The main aspect is whether English or EU laws could be applied in this case. 2. The second part would deal with whether Reilly could have a substantive claim for alleged defective computer console which the company is not willing to settle, claiming that the fault lay with the installer and not the product. Whether English law would be able to be used in this case. constraints. It is indeed to the benefit of employers that French state agencies have the powers to intercede in, and even authorize dismissals should it so warrant. However, it is also seen that it is not difficult for any employee to initiate a lawsuit against his ex employers under labour courts. Labour Relations Courts (Conseils de Prudhommes) are generally made up of lay judges who are elected from the ranks of employer/employee organisations. It is rare that the plaintiff be other than an employee and just as rare that claims be dismissed with no award whatsoever being made against the employer.† In this case, English laws may not apply, since his employment is held by French Company registered and controlled in France. However, it may be necessary to consider the European Laws on employment which could possibly impinge upon this contract. Notice period: By far, the most important aspect of any existing employment is that of either the employer or the employee serving notice before leaving the employment. Under French law, it is one month’s notice

Money, Banking & Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Fisher Theory of Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation Rate - Essay Example According to the economist, interest is ‘an index of a community’s preference for a dollar of a present (income) over a dollar of future income’ (Library of Economics and Liberty, 2008). The label that he has put to his theory of interest rate is ‘the impatience and opportunity’. Fisher has postulated in this theory that interest rate results from an interface between two forces: the time preference that people have for capital at present and the principle of investment opportunity (Library of Economics and Liberty, 2008). Irving Fisher’s theory of interest establishes a link of nominal interest rate (i) to the rate of inflation (П) and the real rate of interest (r). The rate which is derived after making an adjustment for the inflation is the real interest rate. This is the interest rate which the lenders should consider for lending their funds. The relationship that has been presented by Fisher between these three interest rates is: Thus, the above relationship states that if the rate of inflation increases by 1 percent, then the nominal interest rate increases by more than 1 percent. This means that there is a positive relationship between the rate of inflation and nominal interest rate (University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2010). In the next step of the analysis, the effect of taxes on the real rate of return will be taken into account. Let a country be considered with currency C. Then let it be the nominal risk-free rate of interest, rc be the real interest rate and Пc be the expected rate of inflation. Let to be the rate of tax on the interest income and r*c be the after-tax real rate of return. The after-tax rate of return is ic (1-to). Then, From the above expression, it can be explained that with the increase in the rate of inflation, the nominal interest rate also increases by a few proportion of the increase in inflation rate (Mulligan, 2002).  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado Essay

Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example Montresor avenges some unspecified insult inflicted on him by Fortunato and thus buries him alive. Significantly, the cause for the murder is rendered insignificant and the maneuvers and the actual execution of murder gain prominence in the story. The paradigm of sacrifice enters the story in the instance where Montresor warns Fortunato against staying in the damp catacombs for the latter seems to have a cough. Fortunato’s reply that a cough shall not kill him compounds the irony in the story and anticipates his predicament. However, it also highlights a kind of unstated willingness on Fortunato’s part in the scheme planned by Montresor. There is a suggestion that Fortunato may have subconsciously accepted the fate which awaited him. It is here that the numerous parallels between Fortunato’s murder and Christ’s crucifixion enter the story. The theme of revenge drives the plot of the story. The metaphor which encapsulates this theme is the motto on Montreso r’s family coat of arms which proclaims Nemo me impune lacessit  ("No one insults me with impunity") (Poe, 99). The symbol which shows a foot crushing a snake while the snake’s fangs are set in the foot is reminiscent of Christian theology. The snake is often identified with the Adversary or Satan and thus represents the figure of the avenger in Montresor. Montresor can also be said to be reminiscent of Judas, Jesus’ friend who betrayed him. Fortunato’s meek submission to his fate and the heinous manner in which he was killed, coupled with his last words "For the love of God, Montresor!" (Poe, 101) yet again emphasize the theological underpinnings of the story. The unmistakable parallels between Christ’s death and Fortunato’s murder are seen also in the fact that Montresor kills Fortunato in the catacombs which are hallowed spaces. The very name Fortunato which means ‘fortunate or blessed’ seems to be ironic. Despite the many similarities in their predicaments, Fortunato unlike Christ lies in a desolate tomb, unknown to the world, without having accomplished much for the greater good of mankind. The many points of confluence and departure between Christ and Fortunato perhaps constitute a certain existential questioning that the story brings about regarding the place of virtue and sacrifice in the modern world. This rendition of Fortunato as a modern, albeit ironic adaptation of Christ is done by keeping the original insult inflicted on Montresor deliberately ambiguous. The fact that much of our understanding of the story is mediated by Montresor’s subjective opinion brings about a significant subversion of conventional spiritual or theological narratives in which the murderer or the sinner is seldom given a chance to express himself. It may be well said that journey undertaken by Montresor and Fortunato to the wine cellars and ultimately to the catacombs assumes the character of a pilgrimage. The ironic reversal however lies in the fact that the journey is made for the precious Amontillado and not for any ostensible spiritual quest. The murder of Fortunato further subverts the motif of the pilgrimage and conjures the image of aborted spiritual endeavors in the modern world. The spatial and temporal settings of Poe’s story significantly shape its thematic concerns. It is important to note that the story is set in an indeterminate year in Italy during the carnival of Mardi Gras. In

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Judaism - Essay Example This research paper dwells on the main aspects of Judaism religion and the author discusses the variety of theories existing. In this discussion, many facets of Judaism will be examined, primarily in the three temporal subdivisions labeled the Tribal/Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy and the Hasmonean/Maccabean and the Roman Era. In the middle of all these three time periods where the religion at times has been quite split, they give the impression as being the real representative for the basic presence of it in the first place. As a case in point for the commonality among the periods of Judaism, we should see that the area of focus here is the place associated with the religion, which quite frankly is Jerusalem itself. This topic will be covered in detail first, and then the multiple Judaism arguments will be presented. In this way, it is possible to keep a common focus in mind when reading about all the other situations in which the religion has found itself. Adding further to the discussion, we find out that indeed the city of Jerusalem is where the place of worship of the Jews once used to be. It was in the year 586 BC when the temple was destroyed, no Jew would have refused Jerusalem as being the world center of the religion of Judaism. It was from that moment onwards that the Jewish people started to have their own journey and migrated around the world but made it a point to remember the very fact that it was Jerusalem where it all began. The Judaism religion has some significant holidays.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Describe the relationship between the concepts of consumer surplus, Essay

Describe the relationship between the concepts of consumer surplus, moral hazard, and welfare loss - Essay Example For example, it works less well if commodity prices no longer represent the true cost of producing goods, or if the prices of resources no longer indicate their relative scarcity. It also works less well if agents are prevented from responding to price signals. Interventions of this kind include taxes and subsidies and quantity constraints (Leach 8). Hence, in a free, competitive market, the increased presence of interventions (e.g. taxes and quantity constraints) reduces the capacity of agents to respond to price-signals, and then surplus is not maximized but lessened. The lost surplus is called the welfare cost. However, Leach noted that there are also intervention types that do not harm this price-signaling mechanism such as the case of redistribution (8). In the case of a subsidy, which is the opposite of tax imposition, although both of the consumers and producers enjoy an increase in their surpluses, the gains in consumer and producer surplus would again be exceeded by the gove rnment's loss of surplus, thus incurring a welfare cost (Leach 14). Leach (12) cites that the welfare cost in this case occurs because the subsidy encourages trades that are not mutually beneficial. Each of these units was sold by a producer who placed a value of at least p* on the unit, and bought by a consumer who placed a value of no more than p* on it.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Forgetting Sarah Marshall Essay Example for Free

Forgetting Sarah Marshall Essay The movie â€Å"Forgetting Sarah Marshall† is a successful example of comedy. It was theoretical released on April 18, 2008. The film was brought together by a group of well acted performers and was very famous for perfectly combining the hilarious performances and the laughter together. I think that a successful comedy movie has to have these important factors. First, it needs to be performed with the perfect sounds elements such as the background music and the songs in the movie; second, the movie should be brought by some famous figures and directors, which were well-known in the comedy industry to make sure it will have a great hit this time; third, there should be a lot of stupid scenes with nonsense in the movie that will make people laugh their heads off. The movie â€Å"Forgetting Sarah Marshall† won the Golden Trailer Award for Wild Posts in the year 2008 and was nominated for 6 different awards such as the Golden Trailer Award Best Comedy, and Teen Choice Comedy Awards. The film is directed by the famous Nicholas Stoller and was written by Jason Segal. The movie was a successful hit and was well know among the teen’s group as well as the adults group. The main character of the movie; Peter, he had the most perfect life that all man wished for; which is dating the most famous and the sexiest TV star of the show Crime Scene, Scene of the Crime. But an awful break up which was brought up by now his ex-girl friend, TV star Sarah Marshall; Peter felt like he needs to get away from his life and forget everything about Sarah, so he decided to go to Hawaii for a vacation. The problem is Peter’s ex-girl friend is also on a trip to Hawaii with his new boyfriend; Snow. Peter had to learn to forget the past, stop being a baby, and finally become a man. In the movie, Peter is a sound effect editor for his ex-girlfriend’s TV show; Crime Scene, Scene of the Crime, he was suppose to do dark and ominous music for the background, after he broke up with Sarah, he was playing lively music for the show, which was a perfect part with sarcastic and dark humor in it. The movie cleverly blends together his act with his music talents. Such as the Dracula puppet song that he sang in front of a crowd of strangers that has no idea what he is doing, as soon as he is finished with the Dracula song; the awkward situation that everyone was in total silence was amusing and made the audience want to laugh without a reason. When Sarah Marshall’s new boy friend went on stage and sang her the song â€Å"Inside You†, with the ridicules body movements that he did with the song, the audiences are usually stunned at first, but as we watch it further, it definitely leads to full of laughter. A powerful comedy should be brought together by a group of well known figures in the comedy industry. â€Å"Forgetting Sarah Marshall† is a perfect example of a good comedy because it was produced by four producers, which they were all very famous for being in the comedy business for so long. The exclusive producer Richard Vane was also the producer of Last Holiday (2004), Rodney Rothman who was also the producer for Help Me Help You (2006), and Judd Apatow who was the actor in Pineapple Express (2008). Most importantly, Producer Shauna Robertson. She was the producer for many previous comedy great hits; such as the Pineapple Express (2008), Knocked Up (2007), The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) and Meet the Parents (2000). Jason Segal which was the writer of the film was also the leading actor of the movie. Actress Kristen Bell from the famous TV show Gossip Girl also took part in the movie, as well as Mila Kunis who was the sound for Meg Griffin for Family Guy and Bill Hader from Knocked up. With this impressive group of producers and performers, people will surge into the movie theater as soon as the film is released in the theaters. The most important element for a comedy is it has to have some scene that came out of nowhere and was totally stupid with nonsense. It is very important for a comedy, because people usually watch comedies when they don’t want to think about things and just want to enjoy the movie; otherwise there is no point of watching it. â€Å"Forgetting Sarah Marshall† is a perfect example because it is filled with nonsense. After breaking up with Sarah, Peter Felt like that he needs to have sex with different women just because his ex-girlfriend is having sex with another guy. After having a one night stand with a women that he barely even known, Peter cried in front of her and was acting totally out of ordinary. Also when the chief invite him to go and prepare dinner with him, they end up chasing a pig and Peter had to kill the pig with his bare hands. Scene in the movie shows much different nonsense that will usually make people laugh from their heart. The movie was loved widely all over the world, but there are still a lot of people who didn’t like the movie â€Å"Forgetting Sarah Marshall†. A lot of professionals’ movie critics didn’t like the movie because they think that the contents are â€Å"totally forgettable† or they think that â€Å"it is hard to like a character in the movie, when his own movie makes fun of himself. † I disagree with these critics, because there are many scenes in movie that people will not forget after that watched it, and a comedy are usually funny because the main characters were made fun of, either by himself or the other characters in the movie. That is what usually makes a movie a great hit of comedies. Just like what I previously mentioned, â€Å"forgetting Sarah Marshall† includes the perfect factors of sound element, was performed and brought together by a power group of people in the comedy industries, it also includes many stupid senses that people will not forget and will be talking about it among everyone who have watched the movie. This film is a great example of a comedy, and it is only for you to watch it and find out for yourself.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Huggies Mamy Poko Company Backgorund Essay Example for Free

Huggies Mamy Poko Company Backgorund Essay Kimberly Clark is founded in 1872 at Neenah, Wisconsin and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. It is passionate about providing people with essentials for a better life by adding convenience to daily routines with some of the world’s most recognized products. Kimberly Clark has approximately 58,000 employees worldwide and operations in 36 countries. Its sales have increased to $21.1 billion in 2012. Kimberly Clark has many global brands and one of them is Huggies. Huggies diapers were first introduced by Kimberly Clark in 1978, and they’ve been improved nearly every year since. Refastenable diapers, breathable diapers and stretchy diapers are all Huggies firsts. At the controls of the Huggies innovation engine are everyday consumers. The art of understanding and anticipating consumer needs – sometimes before consumers do themselves – has led not only to product advances but the creation of whole new categories, businesses that didn’t exist before. In 1985, Huggies took leadership of the category for the first time, and has been the number one selling diaper in America since 1993. Today, Huggies brand introduces a demonstrably better product every year, and the imperative to innovate extends far beyond the Huggies diaper franchise. It’s no accident that Kimberly Clark offers consumers the number one or number two brand in 80 countries. Unicharm Corporation, MamyPoko Unicharm Corporation is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufactured and sale of baby care products, feminine care products and pet care products. Unicharm is established on February 10, 1961. The company operates in three business segments. The personal care segment provides baby care related products, such paper diapers; feminine care related products, such as sanitary items, as well as healthcare related products, including incontinence articles for adults and powder puffs. The pet care segment provides pet food products and pet toiletry products. The others segment is engaged in the gravure printing, processing and sales business, as well as financial business. As of March 31, 2012, the company owned 40 consolidated subsidiaries and two associated companies. MamyPoko is a brand of the company Unicharm that focuses on pant-style diapers for babies. MamyPoko started manufacturing baby diapers since 1981. MamyPoko pants at present are sold in 14 Asian countries. MamyPoko pants come with a core that has maximum absorbent and moisture-locking capacity. MamyPoko diapers come in the following 3 types, MamyPoko tape diapers, extra soft fit and easy fit pants. Apart from manufacturing diapers, the brand also produces baby wipes, both in fragrant and non-fragrant varieties.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gender Gap In Rates Of Offending

Gender Gap In Rates Of Offending To address this statement and draw a conclusion it is necessary to look at changes in society over time, as women have a different role now than they used to. Even though early criminology has often been gender blind, criminologist such as Lombroso and Pollak tried to make a connection with male crime to explain and answer the question why women do not commit as much crime ( Messerschmidt, 1993; Biel, 2008). It was not until feminist criminology came into force that it challenged the masculine nature of criminology, pointing to the repeated negligence and misrepresentation of women. As a result of such critique there was increasing attention to women and girls in criminological theory and research (Messerschmidt, 1993; Walklate, 2005). Additionally as the social role of women began to change, the view of their involvement in criminal behaviour began to change. As a consequence social, biological, economical and psychological explanations have been used to developed and explain why wo men commit crime and why they commit less crime than men. A reliable research finding (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008) is that women are seen to commit fewer and less serious offences than men, which became known as the gender gap in offending. Recently it has been reported the gap in violent offending has narrowed (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008; Rennison, 2009). What is unclear is whether the reported convergence is an accurate reflection of changes in violent offending or a manipulation of the data used: official records and self-report offending data. Determination of crime problems among women has been neglected within theoretical and empirical research compared with the crime problem among men. Womens crime, because of its size and character was not perceived as particularly dangerous. An important reason for this could be the fact that even in the earliest historical sources women often appeared as an object of the offence and not as it perpetrators (Messerschmidt, 1998). According to Kilday (2005) much of the history of women remained on the margin of criminological interests. Moreover Kilday (2005) argues that studies that examine women criminals tends to emphasize so called traditional acts of womens deviance such as prostitution, while perception of womens involvement in criminal activity has been dominated by their role as a victim rather than perpetrators of crime . What is more during 18th and 19th century Britain, criminality was highly gendered and focused on class. The vast majority of women who appeared before the court were from the poor and laboring classes, and most female criminals were considered far less threatening and problematic than men. As a consequence when women could not be criminalized in their own right it was thought that they must be influenced by men or by severe personal problems such as poverty (Kilday, 2005). One of the most commonly observed features of the criminological background is that a bulk of crime appears to be undertaken by men and boys (Messerschmidt, 1993). Fundamentally speaking major criminological theories are alarmingly and radically gender-blind. In other words when men and boys have been seen as the normal subjects in criminology the girls and women have attracted the attention of criminology only as a special category that allegedly explains the gender nature of crime (Messerschmitt, 1993) . Lombroso (1911) and Bagnor (1916) (cited in Messerschmitt, 1993; Szczepanik and Pospieszył, 2007) for example argue that women commit less crime due to their different biological make-up. They argue that such a woman is nothing but a man backward in the development. The main evidence for this is their lower weight, height, less body hair and fewer red blood cells. They have argued that the consequence of an organic inferiority is a natural inferiority. Lombroso (1920 cited in Klein,1996) specifies the born female offender as a woman, who is characterized by antagonism to motherhood, increased libido, tendency to immoral life , enjoys a good time, has a tendency to take part in male sport and wear more masculine clothes. They are more likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol and display hostile behaviour. The most characteristic features of women criminals, they believed, were a bulky jaw, wild eyes, prominent cheeks, thin lips and a nap on the face (facial hair). Apart f rom these masculine traits female offenders also have characteristics typical for females such as cunning, cruelty, vanity and vindictiveness. What is more womens offences are thought to be influenced by male suggestion and that the female has no resistance to this. (Klein, 1996). Bjorqkvist (1994 cited in Howitt, 2009) claims that males and females do not differ in aggressiveness. They only differ in the way in which it is expressed. He further argues that women are physically seen as the weaker sex and are likely to learn different aggression strategies from those seen as the physically stronger sex being men. What is more, much of the feminist literature focuses on power relationships between the sexes. Because women have been restricted to domestic work and child-raising duties, their economic productivity was limited, which contributed to their dependent role. Consequently, because women are relegated to the household, they undergo less socialization experiences and that restricts their activities, whereas men maintain their power and dominance over economic resources and hold a position of power over women (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008). In addition, Messerschmitt (1986) suggests that through sex-role socialization, the family encourages its own members to adjust and conform to patriarchal ideologies. Furthermore private patriarchy accounts for the degree to which womens activities are restricted and the extent to which female work is unpaid within the family, when linking womens economic status and crime rates (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008). One aspect of the gender gap in crime that has attracted significant attention within the research community as well as the media is the observation that the gender gap has narrowed somewhat over time ( Parker and Reckedenwald, 2008). Several explanations of this phenomenon have been offered, including legal, social and economical aspects. It was not until 1970 when argument about whether female offences were raising that it became a criminological issue. When Freda Adler (cited in Heidensohn and Gelstohorpe, 2007) argued that female crime rates had been rapidly rising between 1960s and 1970s, she claimed that not only crime rates had changed but patterns of womens offending had also changed to a more masculine style. Women it appeared, were becoming more aggressive and violent, due to the growth of the modern womens movement. Adler (cited in Heidensohn et al, 2007) put forward the theory that liberation in short was the cause of more crime. Granting equal rights to women had allowe d them to take action in many areas of social life by giving them the chance to take on new social roles, which were previously only available exclusively to men. The womens liberation movement brought not only economic independence but also the sense of psychological independence, with women gaining new aspirations and confidence in their own ability. These changes have created conditions conducive to the activation of women in the employment structure which has led to an increase in social status and more aggression in women. However Heidensohon et al. (2007) claims that the visible increase in female offending is that their conviction is mostly for most minor forms of offending which do not include weapons, and further argues that girls behaviour once seen and treated as a welfare issue, is now more criticized, criminalized and punished. It is difficult to determine precisely the extent of crime, due to the limitation arising from the analysis made based solely on official statistical sources made up of Police Recorded Data and British Crime Survey. Determination of the size of womens crime may pose a special kind of difficulty. Firstly, the lack of sufficient empirical data, secondly womens crime is seen to be guided by its own gender-specification. The so called dark figure of crime committed by women may be caused by the fact that the womens crime is usually crime carried out in private. Pollak (1950 cited in Messerschmidt, 1993; Klein, 1996) claim that womens and mens crime are likely to be equal, but because womens biology interacts with certain social conditions their criminality is largely masked . He argues that women can be addicted to crime that can be easily hidden such as shoplifting, thefts by prostitutes, abortion. Consequently the crimes women commit are more often unreported. What is more women are bi ologically more guileful than men and more able to conceal crime (Biel, 2008). Relatively speaking womens offending usually take place in private (e.g. home) while mens offending usually takes place in public (e.g. Theft). Pollak (1950 cited in Messerschmidt, 1993; Klein, 1996) believed that a root cause of low rate crime among women is chivalry in the criminal justice system. Relatively speaking women are treated more leniently than the men and Allans study (1987 cited in Heidensohon et al. 2007) suggests that violent women offenders received more sympathy for serious crimes than men. Also that single mothers and pregnant women were better treated then men. On the other hand Walker (2003 cited in Heidensohon et al. 2007) argues that the fact of pregnancy among female offenders does not affect the weight of the punishment and what is more, it is not seen as ethical or indeed successful. He claims many women achieved only temporary acquittal because of the fact of their pregnancy and were later punished. The structure of the crime committed by women is a reflection of their position, and the role of social and environmental influence. Heimer, (2000) claimed that the most widely endorsed hypothesis in favour of the narrowing of the gender gap is the economical marginalization hypothesis, which states that reduction in the gender gap in crime is an effect of financial instability of women. In other words the need to escape from poverty, economical dependency on man and economic hardship. Moreover expansion in the divorce rate and illegitimacy rates in recent years which have in turn led to more female-headed households where women have greater responsibility for their children resulted in a significant increase in economic pressure on women. Following this Zaplin, (1998) argues that an increase in female offending is a result of increased opportunity for female types of crime. The increase in the rate of female arrests for minor crimes (especially property crimes) reflects not only economic marginalization, but also an increase in opportunity for those crime categories. Relatively speaking females tend to commit crimes that involve little or no criminal skills, and now their range has expanded due to changes in merchandising and credit, which are easily accessible to women as the consumer and head of a family. As a consequence of this women have more opportunities to commit shoplifting, cheque fraud theft and welfare fraud. Another possible explanation according to Zaplin, (1998) is that rises in female arrest is a product of changes in public sentiment and enforcement policies that bring to attention the visibility, reporting and sanctioning of female offenders. Whereas Freda Adler (Heidensohon et al. 2007) argues that female crime rates has been rapidly rising between the 1960s and 1970s , the Home Office claimed that during this time the prison population of women was so low that they thought it may be possible to end womens imprisonment by the year 2000. However along with the new century , there was a very large growth of overall imprisonment rates for women. According to the Home Office study(Hunter, Hearnden and Gyateng, 2009) the following factors had an impact on the rise of the crime rate for women: a growth in the number of women coming before the courts, a rise in the proportion of women getting a custodial sentence and an increase in the length of prison sentences being imposed on women. As an example they state that in 1996-7, 95 per cent of the rise was in effect more women coming before the courts. What is more the Home Office argues that now courts tend to impose harsher sentences on women for less serious crimes. The growth of the crime rate among women may also be due to the impacts of new legislation, which has created new offences, hence it may indicate that the offending rate for women is growing. Another factor influencing the growth of the offending rate in women may be seen in social changes and social attitudes towards particular offences. Szczepaniak and Pospieszył (2008) argue that since the equal opportunity for men and women came into force, women started to be seen not only as a victims of domestic violence but also as perpetrators. What is more, men are now encouraged and willing to talk about and report to the police domestic violence against themselves. Zaplin, (1998) argues that the ability and willingness of women to commit crime is strongly pressured by social control, especially during their formative years. Females are more closely supervised and their misconduct discouraged by negative sanctions. Risk-taking behavior that is rewarded among boys is censured among girls. Careful observation of girls companions reduces the danger for influence by delinquent peers. Even as adults, women find their freedom to explore worldly temptation constricted by social control. Also females are far more likely than males to be motivated by relationship disturbances to commit an offence and they need a higher level of provocation before turning to crime. A sense of danger and threat to significant relationships play a greater role in female offending. If their close relationship with those who commit crime is threatened, they may be unwilling to compromise these relationship by abstaining from crime and therefore take part in criminal activitie s Zaplin,(1998). Despite the fact that the gender gap of offending is narrowing and women commit much more crime than they used to, women are far less likely to be involved in serious crimes, regardless of data sources and level of involvement ( Maguire et al 2007). According to the findings of the Ministry of Justice (2009:15) females aged between 10 and 25 were less likely than males to say they had committed a serious offence (eight per cent compared with twelve per cent). They were also less likely to be classed as frequent offenders (three per cent compared with eight per cent) and less likely to be categorized as serious and frequent offenders (five per cent compared with three per cent). Further findings show that males were more than twice as likely as females to have carried a knife (five per cent compared to two per cent); more males (15 per cent) than females (10 per cent) said they had committed a violent offence (defined as robbery and assault); males were more likely than females to hav e handled stolen goods (22 per cent compared to 16 per cent); and over a quarter of males (26 per cent) had committed at least one of four types of anti-social behaviour, a higher proportion than females (18 per cent). The girls and women who make up the greatest part of the criminal justice workload commit ordinary crimes mostly minor crimes such as theft and fraud, low level drug dealing, prostitution and simple assault against their children or partners. Additionally much of the time, a large majority of these women are associated with men who are without good prospects, are not ambitious and who often themselves are involved in some kind of criminal acts . Consequently these men along with the children are the main focus of these womans lives. The world of these men tends to be an extreme patriarchal one in which women are demoted to subordinate roles, exploited and treated with indifference by their male partners causing the women to lead lives that are often miserable and difficult. Routinely, it is they who are left to cope with the consequence of these mens unsuccessful escapades and the incarceration this can bring Szczepaniak and Pospieszy (2008). Lastly we should note that most of the criminological theories were developed by men specifically to explain male involvement in criminal behaviors. As a consequence it raises the question of whether such theories are useful in explaining female crime or whether female crime can be only explained by so called gendered-specific theories. Therefore some criminologist believe that the traditional theories developed to explain male crime are not well-suited to explain female crime. Zaplin (1998) argues that their andocentric origin, traditional, structural and social process theories are more or less gender neutral. As a consequence these theories may be useful in understanding overall male offending as well as overall female offending. What is more they can be also helpful in explaining why females commit less crime than men. Also he argues that many of the delicate and deep differences between male and female crime patterns may be better explained by gendered approaches. In conclusion it is difficult to find a clear answer to female offending and to the rise of the crime rate among them. Despite many studies and research papers founded on this topic there is still no consensus among professionals. We cannot hide the fact that female criminality is a social phenomenon that has many differences compared with the crime of men. The structure of the crimes committed by women is a reflection of their position, their role in society and environmental influences. Usually women commit crimes which are associated with low risk detection or lower sentences. They do not plan the commission of the crime as male criminals do, rather they use opportunistic situations. Many women scientists involved in the studying of crime and the demoralization among women, explain it as the process of emancipation. Along with gender equality, women began to take action until which recently was reserved only for men. There are also those who blame the new fashion for being strong as a reason for female involvement in crime .As the weaker sex becomes old-fashioned, the so called miming of male behaviour by women allow them to occupy leadership positions in the group.

Monday, August 19, 2019

English Gcse Media Essay :: essays research papers

English GCSE Media Coursework 1. How does advertising reinforce gender stereotypes? Today in the late 1990’s we can not escape advertising it bombards us from all types of media and every aspect of our lives. It is a multibillion-pound industry that stereotypes genders and tells us what we could become if we use certain products. Men being portrayed as cool, tough, athletic and stylish reinforce the gender stereotypes. One advert I have studied which reinforces the male stereotype is an advertisement for ‘Old Spice, White Water’. The advertisement shows a businessman in a kyak kyacking down a white water rapid. This is stereotyping the male businessman by showing him as an adventurous and carefree person who wears ‘Old Spice, White Water’. So this campaign is obviously aimed at businessmen who see them selves as adventurous and care free. Another advertisement I have chosen to study that reinforces the male stereotype is an advertisement for an eau de toilette by ‘Givenchy’. This advertisement reinforces the male stereotype by showing a man in a space suit in outer space looking up beyond infinity. So as space men are looked upon as top class people who have achieved many peoples ambition to look down on the world this what he is portrayed as in the advertisement. The two advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes by showing the men as successful, and fearless. One is a business man kyaking and the other is an astronaut. For males this is how advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes. ‘Givenchy’ stereotypes Women as elegant, perfect and classy as in an advertisement for a perfume called ’Organza’. The same stereotypical role is also taken up in most other advertisements aimed at women. The woman in the advertisement for ‘Organza’ is pictured next to an enlarged picture of the bottle for the perfume. Both look similar with the curves of the body being translated into the shape of the bottle. Also the pleats in the dress are mimicked too. The background in the design is smooth and gentle showing and increasing the elegance of the woman. So this still and gentle setting is how advertisers stereotype females in advertisements. As advertising advances though advertisers are using reverse stereotyping to attract attention to their advertisement out of many. One advertisement I have studied that imposes this reverse stereotyping is an advertisement for a larger with a young woman in a snooker club leaning against a snooker table.

Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay examples -- Mary

Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Sigmund Freud's studies in psychoanalysis are uncannily fore-grounded in the late romantic period. The works of William Wordsworth, Percy B. Shelley, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley, all function as poetic preludes to Freud's 18th century field. Particularly, it is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein that creates a fictional rendering for psychoanalyst. In Frankenstein, Victor's rejection of the Monster metaphorically represents the ego's rejection of the unconscious. Following from this metaphorical paradigm, Freud's theories on narcissism, the libido theory, the doppelganger, neurosis, and the Oedipus-complex all resonate in the pages of Frankenstein. After a brief introduction to narcissism and the libido theory, a psychoanalytic character study of Victor and the monster will be preformed. Finally, the romantic works of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, and Wordsworth will further demonstrate the Freudian phenomenon. Freud declares that mankind has suffered three major blows, the "destruction of the narcissistic illusion" (Freud, "One of the Difficulties of Psycho-Analysis," 5), that permanently destabilized how individuals envisioned themselves in relation to the exterior world. These three blows were: The Cosmological, where the Copernican Revolution dislodged mankind from the center of the universe. Secondly, The Biological, where Darwin reunited man and beast as equals, and the third, Freud's own contribution, The Psychological, where mankind cannot trust his own thoughts: "What is in your mind is not identical with what you are conscious of; whether something is going on in your mind and whether you hear of it, are two different things" (Freud, "One of the Difficulties to Psycho-Analys... ...rate mankind's departure from narcissism and its multiple complexities. However, as Freud would agree, the fact that the workings of psychoanalysis existed long before its publishing is metaphorically exalted in the Romantic era. Works Cited Bennett, Betty T. & Charles E. Robinson, ed. Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. Boston: Oxford University Press, 1990. Freud, Sigmund. Introductory Lectures to Psycho-Analysis. Ed. James Strachey. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1965. —"One of the Difficulties of Psycho-Analysis." 1917. —" Some Character Types of Psycho-Analytic Work." 1915. —"The Uncanny." 1919. Shelley, Percy B. "On Love." Romanticism: An Anthology. Wu, Duncan, ed. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. 849-850. Wordsworth, William. [from The Prelude] "Crossing the Alps." Romanticism: An Anthology. Wu, Duncan, ed. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. 389-392. Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Essay examples -- Mary Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Sigmund Freud's studies in psychoanalysis are uncannily fore-grounded in the late romantic period. The works of William Wordsworth, Percy B. Shelley, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley, all function as poetic preludes to Freud's 18th century field. Particularly, it is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein that creates a fictional rendering for psychoanalyst. In Frankenstein, Victor's rejection of the Monster metaphorically represents the ego's rejection of the unconscious. Following from this metaphorical paradigm, Freud's theories on narcissism, the libido theory, the doppelganger, neurosis, and the Oedipus-complex all resonate in the pages of Frankenstein. After a brief introduction to narcissism and the libido theory, a psychoanalytic character study of Victor and the monster will be preformed. Finally, the romantic works of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, and Wordsworth will further demonstrate the Freudian phenomenon. Freud declares that mankind has suffered three major blows, the "destruction of the narcissistic illusion" (Freud, "One of the Difficulties of Psycho-Analysis," 5), that permanently destabilized how individuals envisioned themselves in relation to the exterior world. These three blows were: The Cosmological, where the Copernican Revolution dislodged mankind from the center of the universe. Secondly, The Biological, where Darwin reunited man and beast as equals, and the third, Freud's own contribution, The Psychological, where mankind cannot trust his own thoughts: "What is in your mind is not identical with what you are conscious of; whether something is going on in your mind and whether you hear of it, are two different things" (Freud, "One of the Difficulties to Psycho-Analys... ...rate mankind's departure from narcissism and its multiple complexities. However, as Freud would agree, the fact that the workings of psychoanalysis existed long before its publishing is metaphorically exalted in the Romantic era. Works Cited Bennett, Betty T. & Charles E. Robinson, ed. Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. Boston: Oxford University Press, 1990. Freud, Sigmund. Introductory Lectures to Psycho-Analysis. Ed. James Strachey. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1965. —"One of the Difficulties of Psycho-Analysis." 1917. —" Some Character Types of Psycho-Analytic Work." 1915. —"The Uncanny." 1919. Shelley, Percy B. "On Love." Romanticism: An Anthology. Wu, Duncan, ed. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. 849-850. Wordsworth, William. [from The Prelude] "Crossing the Alps." Romanticism: An Anthology. Wu, Duncan, ed. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. 389-392.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Altarpiece of Saint Peter :: essays papers

The Altarpiece of Saint Peter Art is a window to the past and there is no place other than the many museums of the world where this is more strongly felt. More specifically, it is also seen through Martin de Soria's work, The Altarpiece of Saint Peter, which was completed around 1480. According to the panel near the altarpiece in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the piece is an enormous work of tempera on panel with parchment ground; it is a typical Spanish altarpiece of the medieval period and is comprised of a complex arrangement of twenty-six paintings. This piece was chosen as a representative of the medieval period because its emphasis is placed entirely on religion, the style with which it was painted and decorated is hugely characteristic of the medieval period, and finally the painting depicts the economic state of Europe as far as the church was concerned during that time. The piece was chosen primarily because of the magnificent presence that is felt as one enters the room, or cathedral, where the piece may be located. The viewer's eye is drawn immediately to the central figure of Saint Peter who was seated as pope at the time. Giving the main focus of the work to the pope is representative of the importance that was placed on the papal seat. This importance was exemplified, during the time of this altarpiece's creation, by the crisis of the Great Schism. Furthermore, a scene of Christ's crucifixion can be seen directly above the panel of Saint Peter further emphasizing the importance of Christ in the painting, and in the medieval time period as well. Overall, the piece depicts four images from the life of Saint Peter, which surround the center panel on the left and the right sides. In addition, scenes from the lives of the Virgin Mary and St. Blaise, a fourth century martyr, are also present. All the characters in the panels more or less have halos a nd therefore are holy figures. The twelve apostles line the bottom of the panels, perhaps suggesting that they were the foundation of the Catholic religion. Basically, the painting is designed for a church altar, it has religious figures in it, and it is filled with Bibles and images of Christ's crucifixion. All of this relays a strong message to the viewer that this is what is important in life; one should pay close attention to religion and have respect for it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How the arts relate Essay

The arts are inter-related because they rely and complement one another. It will be absurd for any of the arts to stand alone. They are all inextricably linked- for example, can anyone dance without music? The simple answer to this is â€Å"no. † Music gives direction to dance. In other words, music inspires the movement involved in dance. The dance steps are in line with the rhythm of the music. Dance is performed in theatres before live audiences or recorded on film so that the people who are not present can view the performance later. Theatre is a special face to face type of communication with a limited audience. However, when productions in the theatre are placed on film, the audience is broadened. Relationship between dance and music Dance involves a lot of body movement. Much of this body movement in dance involves the use of various parts of the human body. These various body movements need to be properly done in order to have an effect on a theatrical audience. Highlights this point when they write that, The dramatic effectiveness of a dance, however, invariably depends on myriad factors-movement dynamics of body parts and torso, movement in space, location on stage, direction of focus, use of weight, muscle tension, and so on (2). As a performance, dance is often creative and novel. When dance fulfils these attributes, it sparks interest in the minds of the audience. These audiences can either be at home or live. Live performances are often held in theatres while recordings on film extend the experience to people who were not present at the time. Dance is often directed by choreographers, while music is written by composers. Over the years, the work of these two groups (choreographers and composers) has been studies in order to unearth the innate relationships between the two. In their analysis of choreographers and composers, Joseph B. Rovan, Robert Wechsler and Frieder Weiss find that, In the past, traditional models of collaboration between composers and choreographers have subjugated either dance or music, or sidestepped the question altogether by removing all correlation between movement and sound. †¦one that avoids this conflict entirely by making the work of choreographer and composer interdependent rather than dependent; fused instead of segregated (5). The fusion between dance and music which Joseph B. Rovan, Robert Wechsler and Frieder Weiss state above is also reiterated in computer animations. In the real world music and dance are complimentary. Thus in animations as well, these two forms of art stick together. It is absurd to hear of someone who dances amidst silence, instead of taking step and making body movements according to music playing in the background. Takaaki Shiratori, Atsushi Nakazawa and Katsushi Ikeuchi present an amazing analogy of the relationship between music and dance when they write that, The ability to dance to music is a natural born skill for a human. Everyone has experienced a desire to move their bodies while listening to a rhythmic song. Hip-hop dancers can simultaneously compose a dance motion to the musical sounds they are listening to†¦. Considering this ability, we are led to believe that dance motion has strong connections with music, (1). Naturally, music moves people to dance. It is often difficult to ignore music especially when it is interesting. Over the years and across many cultures in the world dance steps have evolved according to various types of music. In many places dance schools are set up and certain pieces of music and dance steps have become very popular across the world. Relationship between theatre and film The similarities and differences between theatre and film have been a subject among scholars for a while. According to Susan Sontag, there was a need to ensure, †¦the maintaining and clarifying of barriers between the arts (256). Toward this end Susan Sontag embarked on the task of unearthing the relationship between theatre and film. In a bid to accomplish this task, she raised questions which were meant to challenge, unbridgeable division, even opposition between the two arts (249). However, it is important to note that Susan Sontag was limited by the realities that were present when she undertook the study. A lot has changed since then. Agreed, theatre and film have a lot of similarities and differences but they often go together in many ways. For example, in marketing of artistic productions, theatre box office sales are an important source of revenue. Apart from this source, sales of recorded copies of the production too bring in a lot of money. This analogy raises the question whether there can be a struggle between theatres and film for audiences? In truth there can be a struggle especially when managers and producers do not manage the two effectively. Usually, in marketing, theatre and film complement each other. In theatre, the performance is live, thus there is an intimacy between the performance and the audience. However, in film, the performance is recorded, thus there is no direct connection with the audience. With film, producers are able to include certain effects which may not be possible on a theatrical stage. While live performance in theatres has its advantages, recorded performances too are beneficial in various ways. In this way both theatre and film are complementary. The complementary nature of theatre and film is highlighted when Ralph Hammerthaler talks about the concept of the â€Å"theatre movie. † He writes that, â€Å"If there is a trend in the theatre of the 1990s, then it is the trend to the theatre movie. † According to him the concept of theatre film encourages the incorporation of various forms of art into film such as music films, filmed plays, etc. Apart from the fact that theatre is a recorded performance, it uses a lot of devices and techniques that are used in film production such as sound track, rhythm, fade overs, clips, etc. The relationship between dance, music film and theatre Music is inevitable in film and theatre because it is often used as sound track. Sound tracks have special significance in film and theatrical productions because they heighten the mood. Depending on the sound track used, the audience can feel a sense of shame, fear, pity or suspense. Furthermore, Simon Frith adds that music structures time in film productions. Music performs the same function in theatre as well. Dance on the other hand is often accompanied by music and performed on stage or recorded for a wider audience. Conclusion The arts are inextricably related- each plays an important part in order to yield a wholesome result. Due to this reason, none of the arts can stand alone. It will be absurd to dance without music and where will music and drama be performed if not in a theatre? Furthermore, what happens when other people besides the audiences in theatres are interested in viewing a production? They definitely join the larger body of audiences by viewing the production on film.

Friday, August 16, 2019

DBQ Immigration Essay

Prompt: For the years 1880 to 1925, analyze both the tensions surrounding the issue of immigration and the United States government’s response to these tensions. Thesis: Tensions were mainly due to racism and unsatisfied workers that felt that immigrants were taking over the American work environment and politics led to increasingly stricter government regulations on immigration. Body Paragraph 1: During the 19th century federal government supported business interest instead of interests of the workers. Immigrants w/o a job were often willing to work for less pay can citizens were. Businesses were content with paying lower wages to immigrants and often exploited them. However the working class felt as if the Immigrants were forcing them out of the work force. These sentiments led to ant-immigration plank of the Populist Party ‘s 1892 platform. In this platform the National People his stealing of jobs was the greatest reason for tensions surrounding immigration. Body Paragraph 2: No immigrants were gaining political power.  Boston 1908 men of Irish descent filled positions such as police commissioner. â€Å"Members of Congress: O’Connell†¦Hoar† (DOC F) This led to tension concerning immigration due to the fact that minorities were running politics and citizens felt that it was led by foreigners Other tensions between African Americans and immigrants Booker T. Washington felt that immigrants were destroying the opportunities for African American economic Empowerment. Many blacks felt that many of the rights granted to immigrants that were not granted to blacks was unjust. Proposed to allow blacks to fill jobs that immigrants were filling. Washington advocated, â€Å" Casting down†¦you know.† (DOC D). Touching upon 2 arguments in his speech in Atlanta; promotion of blacks and racist sentiments in America during the 1880s to 1925 Body Paragraph 3: The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant promoted the idea that the Anglo Saxon race was the prime race and that America, â€Å"Must chiefly depend on leadership† upon the white man (DOC G) Riots in big cities between blacks and immigrants. His led to the resurrection of the KKK who was both anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner. Government responds by limiting immigration. Before the 1880s immigrants were largely welcomed in the U.S. First of these acts was the Chinese Exclusion Act- forbade Chinese immigration to America, it was widely accepted by public Commissioner General of immigration announced in 1908 that an understanding with Japan was reached, â€Å"discouraging immigration of its subjects,† (Doc E). This policy existed before 1908 as well and was continued and enforced by both the Japanese and American Governments. Final act against immigration by the federal government was after the First World War when a quota system was created. This system greatly lowered the number of immigrants accepted into the U.S and promoted white immigrants over Eastern- European immigrants. (DOC H) The Literary Digest published a cartoon showing a funnel to represent the quotas and labeled the Cartoon, â€Å"The only way to handle it,† This act was supported by the public and was apart of the isolationist movement of the 1920s. Conclusion: In conclusion the racial tensions and anger at lost jobs led to strict government control of immigration throughout the 1880’s and the post 1920’s

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cipd Recording Essay

Organisations need to collect data in order to comply with regulations such as minimum wage, working time directive, health and safety and even health and safety. 2) Keeping training and performance records on employees enables management to assess individual productivity and performance and allows them to help the employee reach there full potential and in turn increase productivity. Two Types Of Data Collected and How Each Supports HR Practices 1) Statutory Records – Such as tax, national insurance contributions, sickness and SSP, hours worked and accident book. These types of records ensure that the HR department complies with all regulatory requirements 2) Organisational Records – Such as Recruitment and Selection records, absence, staff turnover records, learning and development records. These types of records are essential for the HR department and allows them to monitor staffing levels and recruit when necessary, monitor staff sickness to ensure productivity is not being affected and also to if there is anything the organization can do to cut down on sickness levels and records to ensure that staff are maintaining a high level of efficiency through learning and development activities. Two Methods of storing records and benefits of each Manual System: Filing Cabinet – Files are easily accessible and doesn’t require a computer to be turned on. Manual system cannot be affected by loss of power or hackers cannot access a manual filing system from another computer Computerised System: The benefits of a computerised filing system are numerous, and include reduced costs to the company, benefits to the environment, increased ease of sorting, finding, and moving documents. Another benefit is that it allows the office to operate in a smaller environment, because a great deal of space is not required for storing documents in a paper filing system. Two Essential Items of UK Legislation relating to Recording and Storing HR Data Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act 1998 applies to most personnel records, whether held in paper or computerised format. Under the Data Protection Act, data must not be kept any longer than is necessary for a particular purpose. Computerised systems are covered by the law, as are certain manual systems: to be covered, manual systems must be organised into a ‘relevant filing system’. Subject to certain exceptions as detailed in Schedule 7 of the Data Protection Act, employees have the right to access their records and the employer is under an obligation to ensure that the data is accurate. Before releasing such data to a third party, the employer must seek the permission of the individual concerned. The Information Commissioner has issued an Employment Practices Data Protection Code in four parts: †¢ Part 1: Recruitment and selection †¢ Part 2: Employment records †¢ Part 3: Monitoring at work †¢ Part 4: Information about workers health. In the event that employment contracts/accident record books and other personnel records are needed for the purpose of a legal action, the riginals must be made available if possible  or the employer must explain what happened to the original documents backed up by what is known as a ‘statement of truth’. When employers really no longer need to keep certain data, destruction must take place securely and effectively, for example by shredding. Freedom of Information Act (2000) NI The Freedom Of Information Act gives people the right to ask any public body for information they have on any subject you choose. Also, unless there’s a good reason, the organisation must provide the information within 20 working days. You can also ask for all the personal information it holds on you. The act applies to all ‘public authorities’ including: †¢ government departments and the Northern Ireland Assembly †¢ local authorities †¢ health trusts, hospitals and doctors surgeries †¢ schools, colleges and universities †¢ publicly funded museums †¢ the police †¢ many other non-departmental public bodies, committees and advisory bodies Any person can make a request for information under the Act – there is no restrictions on your age, nationality, or where you live. You can ask for any information at all – but some information might be withheld to protect various interests which are allowed for by the Act. If this is the case, the public authority must tell you why they have withheld information. If you ask for information about yourself, then your request will be handled under the Data Protection Act; if you ask for information about other people (third parties), the Freedom of Information Act will apply. However, disclosure of personal information which would breach anyone else’s rights under the Data Protection Act is not permitted.